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Written by William Shakespeare
Directed by Meghan N. Cronin
Assistant Directed by Bill Herring
Show Dates: April 12, 13, 14 and 19, 20, 21

Choose from one of two methods to audition for A Midsummer Night's Dream: Open Auditions (in-person) or Virtual Auditions. Auditions are open to high-school age and up. The roles of Mustardseed, Peaseblossom, Cobweb, and Mote are specifically open to ages 13-17. No previous acting experience necessary.


February 12th and 13th | 6:00pm-8:00pm
Stop by the Philadelphia Street Playhouse any time during our open auditions. You will be asked to read scenes and/or monologues from A Midsummer Night's Dream with other auditioners. No preparation is required!*
*IUP Theatre students are welcome to perform a prepared monologue at the Open Auditions


Submit by February 13th
Fill out our online audition form and upload a video recording of a monologue of your choice! Click Here to Fill out the Virtual Audition Form


It's the Roaring 20’s! Victorian and Edwardian strictures are forced to give way to youthful rebellion. Young lovers run away, lured by this glitz and glam-filled underworld, seeking the freedom they don’t have at court. They are pursued by two of their peers, one trying to stop the pair and one following in hopes that she will win back her lost love. Meanwhile, a rag-tag group of blue-collar workers attempt to prepare a classic play for the Duke’s wedding. All find themselves caught in the magical crossfire of a marital spat gone awry.


Court of Athens

  • Theseus: Duke of Athens, engaged to Hippolyta

  • Hippolyta: Warrior Queen of the Amazons, engaged to Theseus

  • Egeus: Courtier and father to Hermia

  • Hermia: Egeus’ daughter, in love with Lysander (Note: she must be shorter than Helena)

  • Lysander: Young courtier, in love with Hermia

  • Demetrius: Young courtier, Egeus’ choice to marry Hermia

  • Helena: Hermia’s friend, in love with Demetrius (Note: she must be taller than Hermia)

  • Philostrate: Theseus’ master of revels


The Rude Mechanicals

  • Nick Bottom: Weaver, plays Pyramus in the play-within-a-play

  • Peter Quince: Carpenter, producer and Prolouge in the play-within-a-play

  • Francis Flute: Bellows-mender, Thisbe in the play-within-a-play

  • Tom Snout: Tinker, Wall in the play-within-a-play

  • Snug: Joiner, the Lion in the play-within-a-play

  • Robin Starveling: Tailor, Moonshine in the play-within-a-play


Court of Faeries

  • Oberon: King of the Faeries

  • Titania: Queen of the Faeries

  • Robin Goodfellow/Puck: Mischievous agent of Oberon

  • Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Mustardseed, and Mote: Faeries in Titania’s train


Original genders of character do not necessarily need to be followed.
As is common in Shakespeare’s plays, several of these roles are double-casted:
There is a chance that other roles may need to be double-casted as well, including Flute, Snout, Snug, and Starveling with Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Mustardseed, and Mote.

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